How to Start Radio Station - All the Steps Explained

More than 25000 people come to this world wide web every month searching for information on how to start radio station business.But many people get confused and lost in the absence of clear cut step by step guidelines on how to start. Listed below is a simple step-by step process to be followed -

Step 1. Apply for a broadcast license -

In order to start broadcasting, you first need to obtain a broadcasting license.
Frequency for transmission is a scarce and a sensitive resource. Therefore most of the Governments have norms to be fulfilled for being eligible for a license. The most important norm is that you should be able to apply in the application format meeting all the criteria set there in. If you are not meeting some eligibility norms, there are always some alternatives that you can fulfill to become eligible for the license.

To know your licensing authority you can simply google the term - "radio station license,Your country name" and you should get the details of your regulatory office.T he licensing authority for the U.S.A is the Federal Communication Commissions. There guidelines can be assessed at: The licensing authority For U.K is called the Office of Communications and they can be assessed at:

Step2 Make your radio station business plan -

This is the most comprehensive and time taking exercise for launching a radio station. A typical business plan will divulge into several aspects including technology, infrastructure,financial estimations, human resource planning, organizational structure planning,content production and promotion planning, statutory compliance planning and several others. Business plans will also help you in obtaining the license and for attracting investors

Step-3 Ground execution - -

After having obtained the license and with a ready business plan, its time to undertake actual ground execution. This includes setting up the studio, fixing up transmission equipments, hiring staff, production of program for broadcast and preparing for the launch day. This phase requires the services of consultants and specialists.

How to start radio station - some caveats -

1. Broadcasting without license is illegal and attracts strict penal clauses in most of the countries.

2. Never spend a penny till the time you have obtained the license

3. Never buy different equipments from different vendors. Buy the entire broadcasting solution from one vendor.

To know all about how to start radio station, instantly download this 50-pages of hard-hitting step-by-step guide book

Or,warm up with this Free book on Financial planning for starting a radio station.

From: Bhaskar Chaudhary - radio station start up consultant.

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