Dallas Morning News Reports, P. Holgate 's JFK project

Today, the Morning "Dallas" News of the project Mr. Holga JFK. The project, entitled Death by Holga: 22.11.1963, is a journey of images, places and objects associated with the Kennedy assassination in Dallas on November 22, 1963.

News said that Mr. Holga, walk photographers and journalists, especially those countries to find the grave. This article was minorly photographing people live. Until recently, Mr. Pulitzer-winning photographer shoots Holga Robert Jackson, a brief overview of the Dallas police detective James Leavell and Secret Service agent Jerry Blaine and Clint Hill.
"I am currently working with the City of Dallas and the detachment of Leavell to make a photo shoot in the basement of the old police headquarters in Dallas. Holga said." I am very pleased to have the opportunity to shoot Det. Leavell. "

Mr. Holga does not realize that most people and places associated with the Kennedy assassination are dead or missing. Most of the people affected are 40 and 50 years in the incident. And the place has changed. Mr. Holga fined the Presidential Suite of the Hotel Texas in Fort Worth has changed so much that no longer exists.

"I work as fast as I could get on film what I can for this project," said Holga.

Mr. Holga does not want the draft collection of photos JFK seriously. He also wants to become a book to link past to present.

"People do not realize what their relationship with President Kennedy. Thousands of people travel I35E, also known as Stemmons freeway, and did not know that businessman John Stemmons, who donated land for the road, waiting to meet Kennedy Dallas Trade Mart ", said M. Holga.

Wish List

Holger has a list of big names and many of them are still alive and healthy. He agreed that some of the names on the list can be achieved, but that did not stop trying.

Mr. Holga photography

* Caroline Kennedy
* Former President Bill Clinton
* Former President George W. Bush
* Astronaut John Glenn
News * CBS (Scott Pelley)
Roger Staubach *

and many others.

Baby Park

Of all the people like Mr. Camera Holga, stand people who should not be named. Mr. Holga photography there is people born Nov. 22, 1963, especially in Parkland Hospital in Dallas (see if you were born in Parkland Hospital in Dallas on November 22, 1963?). If you fit the bill, please send a message M. Holga.

Death by Holga: 22/11/1963

This book is a long road to completion. Fortunately, the 50 Th anniversaries are 29 months. Sufficient time for Mr. Holga to get all your photos, find and book publishers.

Remember to follow Mr. Holga travel through its website (www.mrholga.com), Facebook (facebook.com / DeathByHolga) or Twitter (twitter.com / MrHolga). Cheers.

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