Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1 - reviews

Idea to the end of the adaptation of the story of Harry Potter adventure, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows split into two parts is a purely commercial reasons and not just the whole essence of the story from his novel to catch. This is unfortunately quite clearly what is given by director David Yates by Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1. The film itself runs very well, but with a duration of more than 146 minutes, Yates too much on the first part of this story with many details that are not needed in the story, so ... The Deathly Hallows to be completed - Part 1 felt like a movie with the actual story short, but in such a long stretch of time to delivery quotas.

The story begins right where Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009) ends, where Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe), who are still in a state of mourning the death of his friend at the same time teacher, Albus Dumbledore (Michael Gambon), is in custody friends to realize his dream of Lord Voldemort (Ralph Fiennes) and his gang who intends to kill Harry Potter to avoid. Powers told Voldemort himself had become a kind of terror with strength not only to those who know the world of magic, but began the world of Muggles (ordinary humans), to penetrate and even has many lives. Effect of Voldemort himself is now strong enough to be able to enter government positions in the wizarding world.

There is only one way to express their efforts against Lord Voldemort in order to facilitate the antagonistic character elimination, ie by destroying five horcrux (pieces of Voldemort's soul), scattered in different parts of the region. The story of Harry's business with two friends, Hermione Granger (Emma Watson) and Ron Weasley (Rupert Grint), a Horcrux to find and destroy pieces of this story ... The Deathly Hallows to enliven - Part 1. Of course, among the stories there are a number of sections devoted to exploring the personal side of each character that increasingly makes the story of Harry Potter adventure getting busier, darker and more complicated than the previous series.

The biggest problem ... The Deathly Hallows - Part 1 is the inability of David Yates on the intensity of the pressure to keep the storyline of this film. Maybe this is not going to be a big problem ... The Deathly Hallows are - Part 1 duration much shorter than 146 minutes duration, but the duration, Yates seems too much to play with the emotions of the public by presenting the intensity of the instability - at a certain point audience will be confronted with scenes that can stimulate adrenaline and then exposed to different scenes with the intensity of the flat, parts tend to be laborious and time is longer.

This is actually not a new problem for the film franchise that has been aged for nearly a decade. Along with the age of the main cast, the story of Harry Potter adventure is released from the previous pattern popcorn movie can be felt in the Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (2001). The complexity of the lives of the characters in this story is clearly illustrated by the complexity of an increasingly complex storyline in each series. In combination with ever terpolesnya visual layout and other technical procedures in the franchise, Harry Potter adventure story grew into a franchise that seemed to want a little distanced from the public other than ordinary film fans the story of this novel. Of course, as some critics insinuated that the longer the more the Harry Potter series as a movie than as an art film that became a part of a franchise that is able to invite the attention and the public in general pulling feeling.

David Yates, in particular, took a part of the process of "growing up" Harry Potter story visually. Since sitting in a chair director Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007), Yates seems to know that many fans of this novel that every part of the story of the novel has become part of the movie version will. Unfortunately, Yates seemed to lack an understanding of how the fans of Harry Potter new release you without the audience seemed already in the hope that this franchise is a series that can entertain. As a result, issues rise and fall of the intensity of the tension between the plot of the story into an abyss that can not be circumvented in any work of Yates, and ... The Deathly Hallows - Part 1 is in fact more - especially in the middle of the movie.

Then the problem of the intensity of the story that's harder to maintain ... The Deathly Hallows - Part 1 is a very satisfying movie. As the film offers a variety of scenes high-voltage, "... The Deathly Hallows - Part 1 is really a film that was great. Several scenes drama was also a positive influence on the development of each character in the way the story - particularly the three main characters of this movie. ... Through the Deathly Hallows - Part 1, soul and thoughts of Harry, Hermione and Ron get dug deeper, particularly Ron Weasley in this series seems to be more specific part of the character komikalnya show.

The duration of running 146 minutes does not mean that all characters can be properly accommodated. Actually it's bad for Ralph Fiennes, Alan Rickman and Helena Bonham Carter to see - which has a role with a very interesting character - displayed only in the part not enough. But it is quite understandable that ... The Deathly Hallows - Part 1 is a kind of taster for the second part will be described with a picture of the final story is epic and majestic.

Continuation of work that has ever existed since Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, David Yates, produced ... The Deathly Hallows - Part 1 in a first part of the end of the Harry Potter franchise. It is unfortunate if Yates apparently still not learned much from the mistakes of management intensity plot of the last two series he has directed. The problems arising from ... The Deathly Hallows - Part 1 comes to complex script belitnya this story in the third adventure story with the protagonists. Several details not seem too important for the intensity of some parts of this film was very slow, in contradiction with some other parts produced by the rapid flow of time. As a 'trailblazer' for the late arrival of a beautiful story ... The Deathly Hallows - Part 1 is an achievement that was very satisfying. However, when considered as a single movie, ... The Deathly Hallows - Part 1 is still at the stage where the movie was like throwing a variety of potential benefits of a quality casual film became.
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