
Tangled in the promotion was sinful. It was the only reason why I initially was not interested in this film at all, and is the reason why the giant majority of my friends still have no interest in it. Although earlier attempt by Disney to "return to the glory days," The Princess & the Frog, was well received by critics, was thought about a financial failure. They sold it as a warm Disney musical in the style of the classics, but apparently the potential audience is not interested. Clever ol 'Disney, trying to learn from their mistakes, select to go for the opposite tangled promotion. Bad idea! Now they have got even fewer individuals who have an interest! The promotion made Tangled (even the name gives it a cheesy, "edgy" feel) like this super-hip retelling of Rapunzel, filled with non-essentials and jokes without any warmth or heart. If that is what you do, you'll be pleasantly surprised in the event you have a chance tangled. I bet you do not even know it is a musical.
It is a freaking Alan Menken musical! The composer of all of your favourite Disney movies including Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin and The Mermaid Little composed the songs for tangled! and he is still got it! Is that you get excited? Well what if I told you that, unlike the tone of the ads, Tangled is of the most moving, pretty, and joyful films of the decade? Now excited? You ought to be! Tangled is absolutely phenomenal! It is basically the strongest film since Disney Lilo and Stitch (2002). I would even say that at least in my mental top Disney films of all time "list. It is that nice. Forget The Princess and the Frog. Tangled is the actual return to what made Disney classics so fantastic and magical. Apparently it is not a lot to do with that hand-drawn as well They would have thought.

An elderly witch finds a magic flower that forever keeps her young. A dying queen soldiers find the flower and use it to cure her. The queen gives birth to a daughter, Rapunzel and the magic flower is passed to the girl. Healing power is embedded in the hair of the girl, but is lost when the hair is cut. The elderly witch steals the girl and locked her in a tower, as her protective father. They constantly use the power of Rapunzel's youth. The king, queen and single city dwellers to make lanterns in the night sky each year on the anniversary of Rapunzel's in honor of the missing princess. I loved everything about tangled from the moment it began. The serene tone was set immediately and seldom let go. It is a pretty film, rich in emotion and rich in visual beauty. The characters are lovable, the environments are pretty, the comic timing is spot-on, and all tied up in fantastic package Disney Music by Alan Menken's. This is what it is all about. Pure Disney magic. Pure joy. I was two times beaming the whole time. I can not keep in mind myself ever enjoyed a film this much. I'd say it is on the brink of perfection, if not an irritation. The last scenes of the film have no numbers. Characters go in to a song in the work of the emotional story high points, and yet in the finish, when everything is in a final emotional climax, They get nothing. I left feeling slightly underwhelmed because the finish appeared so lethargic compared to what other high points of Tangled felt emotionally intense. I have made peace with that gripe, and I am sure I will enjoy fine the second time, knowing what is coming. I think that would have eliminated much more impact if of the main melodies made last reprise

The story falters a bit in a few little places, but as a whole is very well told. Some little areas include the usual "true love happen overnight" phenomenon that apparently exists in the world of Disney animation. The area that I was two times disappointed in the relationship in query Rapunzel together with her fake father. They have established a thought-provoking dynamic. They know that Father Gothel intentions are purely egocentric. I mean he was freaking kidnapped the girl and is located on her eighteen years. They only see that there is genuine affection between the. Natural lake on the part of Rapunzel, but get the impression that Gothel They still have keen on her pseudo-daughter. I found their relationship very fascinating, but as the story, the focus moved further and further away from and by the time Gothel's original intentions have been revealed to Rapunzel, he's become a simplified villain. An icon. and Rapunzel was not torn in the least. They go directly from viewing her father as loving, as a complete witch, and seldom looks back. A lot for all the early development of the character of how they were attached. I think the story would have much more detailed and more profound as that followed by dynamic and came around full circle. I can understand that for a simple story, such as tangled, possibly they desired to focus a bit narrow andonly tell the public what was needed, while only hinting at supporting plot lines and dynamic. I thought I personally found them very fascinating dynamic, and think the general story would have been a tiny better if it followed through.

Sorry to be a lot time on the negative for such a great film make. I leave you with a list of any aspect of tangled that I loved!

Rapunzel-self! She is so cute! I can not! Most lovely Disney princess, hands down. A lot bravery. A lot persona.
-The animation! So smooth! So alive! It is among the most vivid CG animation I have ever seen. The characters faces have a lot persona. A lot expression. and the mouth! I kept staring at their mouths. I have seldom seen so pretty CG mouths move. The kind of blew my mind.
-The jokes! Oh, what a joke! The funniest seconds of my years involved and tangled a horse eating a piece of paper.
The side-kicks! Come on, make each animal sidekicks better animated! Maximus and Pascal will stick with me for some time.
-The songs and music! God, I did not recognize how much I missed Alan Menken's music. So nice. So timeless.
-The colors! A lot lavender
-The pace! This film had resigned ideal!
-Enough is left to the imagination! They get backstory, but it is not shoved in our faces. I think everyone over the age of 15 years will be able to piece together some deep backstory for the characters, someone below that age probably do not care if the characters come across a bit flat.
Glen Keane! Although the 3D, it is amazingly obvious how much influence Disney animator Glen Keane has had on the visual appeal of this film. I saw Glen Keane facial expressions on all the characters rock! on Maximus, the horse.
-The voice actors are the singers! No double-casting here.
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