Shifting views on learning

Shifting views on learning - to be able to make use of ICT in improving the quality of learning, there are three things that must be realized that
1. Students and teachers should have access to digital technology and the Internet in the classroom, school, and teacher education institutions,
2. Should be available the material quality, meaningful, and cultural support for students and teachers, and
3. Teachers must have knowledge and skills in using the tools and digital resources to assist students to achieve academic standards.

Along with the rapid development of information technology and computers, then there has been a shift in views on the lessons learned in the classroom and outside the classroom. In the traditional view in the past (and still exists in the present), the learning process is seen as:
1. something hard and heavy,
2. efforts to fill the shortage of students,
3. a process of transfer and receipt of information,
4. individual processes or solitary,
5. activities carried out by outlining the subject matter to small units and isolated,
6. a linear process.

In line with the development of information technology and computers has been a change of views on the learning that is learning as:
1. natural processes,
2. social processes,
3. active and passive processes,
4. processes and linear or not linear,
5. process that goes integrative and contextual,
6. activity based on the model of strength, skills, interests, and culture students,
7. activities are assessed based on the fulfillment of tasks, the acquisition results, and solving real problems either individually or in groups.

It has gray role of teachers and students in learning. The teacher's role has changed from:
1. as a transmitter of knowledge, the main source of information, expert content, and source of all answers, become facilitators of learning, coach, collaborator, navigator of knowledge, and learning partners;
2. of controlling and directing all aspects of learning, becoming more provide more alternatives and responsibility to every student in the learning process.

Meanwhile, the role of students in learning has undergone changes as follows:
1. passive receiver of information that becomes an active participant in the learning process,
2. of revealed re-knowledge to produce and a variety of knowledge,
3. of learning as an individual activity (solitary) to collaborate with other students learning. Learning environment in the past centered on the teachers had shifted to a student-centered

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